Shining Time Academy

Mathematics Activities
Preschool -3-
Preschool -4-
Charlotte Mason Kindergarten
Year -0- Introduction
Year -0- Booklist
Year -0- Schedule
Curriculum Reviews
Activities by Subject
Original Works
Pictures 2003
Pictures 2004

When I was in school the standard question was always, “when am I ever going to use this?”  While many mathematical principals don’t appear relevant in everyday life several of them truly are.  Without basic mathematical comprehension it would be impossible build a house, read a map or even bake a cake.  This year we will be using Simply Numbers as the foundation for our mathematics studies.  It introduces skills such as basic addition and subtraction, telling time, days of the week, graphing, measuring and much more. 


In addition to this “formal” program there are numerous other activities that will reinforce these concepts. 

·        Cooking

·        Sorting beans, beads, buttons etc.

·        Use various objects to determine which is long, longer and longest

·        Counting stairs as you walk up them

·        Sing counting songs such as Five Little Pumpkins, Hickory Dickory Dock and This Old Man

·        Use manipulatives such as dominoes, dice, counting and sorting bears, cuisenaire rods and pattern blocks to teach basic math skills

·        Count out goldfish or cheese cubes as you hand them out at snack time




  • Build with blocks (helps with identifying shapes as well as symmetry)
  • Point out shapes in everyday life (the TV is a square, the sofa is a rectangle etc.)
  • Place masking tape on the ground in whatever shape you wish to teach and have the child walk around it to spatially “feel” the shape
  • Play shape lotto:  cut different shapes from construction paper and place on the floor, have the child name the shape as they step on them
  • Cut sandwiches and other foods into fun and interesting shapes to get them interested in their names
  • Help your child create his own shape book.  Cut various shapes from construction paper as well as real life pictures (ie. Face = circle, sofa = rectangle, stop sign = octagon etc.).  Help your child to paste all of the same shapes on one page and then bind the pages together into a book.
  • Shape sorting.  Set out many different familiar items that have definitive shapes. (ie. Plastic egg, box, block, ball etc.)  Help your child to sort out the shapes into piles.  



  • Have a color day.  Do everything in one color for your color day.  For instance, on red day dress in red from head to toe, eat strawberries, cherries, spaghetti etc.  Play with red play-doh, paint with red paint etc. 
  • Read books with color themes: Blueberries for Sal, Little Red Riding Hood and Little Blue and Little Yellow
  • Do a color hunt.  Send your child off to find everything that is of one color.
  • Talk about and look at pictures of things that are traditionally one color (ie. Grass is green, sun is yellow, the sky is blue etc.)
  • Play Candy Land
  • Play I Spy. (ie. I spy something yellow etc.)
  • Make a color book.  This is similar to the shape book listed above only you would cut out things of your chosen color or simply use colored paper.


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